We are a farm located in Orange County, NY. We have been managing the farm according to organic guidelines, and dedicated to producing the highest quality product for our customers.Our Produce is grown without using harmful herbicide, pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.We block weeds with straw mulch, and cover crops. When weeds appear among our vegetable crops, we remove them by hand, with hoes and other hand tools, and with tractor-mounted cultivators.We plant flowering farmscapes and cover crops to attract beneficial insects to the areas around our crops. We hand-pick pests and sometimes buy beneficial insects that we can release where pest populations are damaging crops. When necessary, we spray our crops with organically-approved controls, including Bacillus thuringiensis.Rotating our crops also helps us control insect pests. We use fences to deter deers.We take care of the soil where our produce will grow. We maintain soil fertility by rotating crops, planting cover crops, and applying compost, organically-approved fertilizers and micronutrients.So you know you are eating real food that is sowed, planted, grown, and harvested naturally.


visit ourFARM STAND

Please note: The farm is not open to the public currently due to the COVID.

Orange County NY